Taking a Break

TL;DR: I am taking a much needed summer break. I’ll be back in August. Keep up with me during this time (I’ll be going on a month-long road trip) on Instagram and TikTok (@fuzed.glass).

I’ve Gotta be Honest…

2020 was HARD. I spent long days alone in an empty studio that was supposed to be full of people and creativity. I was working over 40 hours a week completely reinventing the way Fuzed operated because one day in March, I was told every stream of income for the studio was no longer allowed to continue. It was supposed to be just a couple weeks. Then weeks turned into months and here we are, over a year later, and I am TIRED (and broke, lol).

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So, I am Taking a Break

May is mental health awareness month so I feel I should be transparent about my reasons for taking this break. This year took a toll on more than just my finances. I have been depressed, angry, resentful, and bitter. Some days I still am, but most days are better now. Deciding to close the studio space in San Rafael has, perhaps counter-intuitively, lifted a weight I had forgotten wasn’t permanently on my shoulders. I slept for 8 hours straight for the first time in 14 months the day I officially decided to close.

I am currently packing up the studio with the help of not only the Fuzed team but a couple of incredible supporters. I had initially thought I would be able to continue to offer Kits and things through June and July. However, there is just too much going on and I don’t have the capacity to take it all on anymore. Instead, I am giving myself the permission to just take time for myself. I need to recover. I need to re-fuel my creativity. I need to reset my mind.

Time for a Road Trip

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For the month of July, I will be on the road with Ian exploring and camping in some national parks. I will check-in when I have wi-fi. If I can get it all together in time, I am planning to take some glass with me on the road. I have a couple ideas for documenting the trip in glass. If any of that sounds interesting to follow along with, I will be updating social media when I can so make sure you’re following Fuzed on Instagram and TikTok (@fuzed.glass on both) or Facebook (/FuzedStudio).

In August, Fuzed will be back with a vengeance. Thank you in advance to everyone for your understanding while I take this much needed break. I hope to see you again on the other side!

P.S. Bridget has kindly agreed to answer any emails while I’m away, but please be patient and kind as she may not have all the answers. Plus, she is doing it as a friend volunteering to help, not an employee.

EDIT: Just wanted to add the website is in transition too. So please excuse any broken links or unfinished pages. All of these transitions take time to implement and my supply is limited.


Refreshed & Recharged
